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Jan Morley
01524 761343
07732 926787
Studio 1 Beachmount, Red Hills Road, Arnside LA5 0AT
I grew up in a remote part of North Yorkshire; an untamed, almost feral childhood spent roaming the countryside. My connection with nature grew alongside a fearless disregard for convention and a determination to follow my instincts.
This adventurous spirit is reflected in my work conveying some of the raw, wild energy of the landscapes I love. I am inspired by colours, light and reflections, by the juxtaposition of different elements, bleak, windswept moors, lush hillsides, brooding peaks.
By letting go and working intuitively and quickly I allow an unconscious organic process to take over which enables me to get into the flow. This helps me to capture a sense of the immediacy of the moment and the essence of place.

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